- Make sure Mr.Peel doesn't go blue because of my absence.
(These days are just...the end and the beginning; difficult to write about because they have not yet been digested.)
- To send to my favourite philosopher what I've been keeping since Benedetti died...and blush after having done so.
- Reassure Mr., -once and again and all the times needed- that his maga is around, jumping clouds and leaving impressions at the margins. And there is no way he could ever be forgotten. Much more likely it is just me...neglecting to correspond.
(But hey, Mr. sure knows about that already.)
"To my everything, He is nothing. What I am I wish to be, and what I wish to be I am. I am beyond God. I am the motionless cause. Cross that firebreak, and then cross that one. Go too far in all directions. Extremity upon extremity, and then more extremity, and then more."
martes, junio 09, 2009
lunes, junio 01, 2009
Felicidad Comprimida

Sorprendente como de vez en cuando uno reune el valor y se sobrepone al miedo mismo, a la verguenza que traicioneramente nos proteje de arriesgarnos.
Quiza el mero hecho de sobreponerse suprima las ganas de abarcarlo todo, aunque solo quede poco tiempo, porque, al fin y al cabo, sucedio.
Y quien hubiera pensado, con tantas cosas por venir, que unas pocas horas de felicidad comprimida bastarian. La seguridad nos convierte en seres simples, adormecidos. O quiza no fue tan asombroso como se esperaba. Si, debe ser eso.
Aunque la gratitud y la ternura, tambien comprimidas, seran perennes e imborrables.
Gracias por la musica, por los suenos, por compartirlos. Ojala hubiese escuchado, preguntado mas. Ojala aun nos queden algunas horas comprimidas.
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